Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Who's rude?

Is it ruder to be rude and display a lack of manners or is it ruder to correct that person? I would say the latter.

I wonder this because I've had 3 instances in the last few months where a stranger chastised and made an attempt to correct my manners, or lack there of:

1) Scenario #1: at a gas station, a girl confronts me for not saying "thank you" to a guy in front of her who held the door open for me. I had said thank you, but she didn't hear it so she felt the need to speak up. first of all, I said it. Second, even if I hadn't it's not your place to correct me.

2)Scenario #2: at a bar, I accidentally stepped on someone's foot. What with the big sweaty crowd, I had no idea I'd stepped on someone's foot. If i had, it would have been immediate apologies. But it was crowded. Music volume was beyond having audible conversation. And you sure it was me that stepped on your foot, and not the dumb ass dancing to Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' next to you?

3) #3: i went to a bowling alley recently. A girl using the lane next to us (with 2 other people) felt the need to inform me that I was not to bowl my ball down the lane at the same time as anyone in a lane next to me. It was common courtesy, she said, and something "all bowlers knew". I'm sorry, but I bowl about twice a year for fun only. If you can't concentrate because someone is bowling in the lane next to you, then you're not a good bowler anyway.

To summarize my feelings:
I appreciate you trying to better the world and all, but don't you have more important things to worry about? And in the grand scheme of things, I bet I am a more a considerate and thoughtful person than you.

Correcting my manners is for my mama. Not you.
